
About Me

The Rev. John Tsang founded OTS in Hong Kong in 1966. From the founding of the seminary, ministerial vision, denominational independence and faith are still the cornerstone.


From 1946, the Rev. John Tsang entered into theological eductaion. Starting from Shanghai, Hong Kong and other places, he had been a lecturer, professor, academic dean and president. His work in many renown seminaries demonstrates his expertist in hermenuetics, homiletics and pastoral ministry. He is also known for his exegetical insights in both Old and New Testaments. Along the way, he also spearheaded the area of spiritual theology by teaching his popular courses on spiritual formation and spiritual life. No wonder so many would claim, "OTS is John Tsang; John Tsang is OTS." Based on his life's work, this is not far from the truth.


The President John Tsang has written quite a few quality-print best-selling books, several of which are still in circulation. His Hermeneutics and Homiletics have become standard text books for seminaries. His Christ-centered "Message to the Heart" and "A Stream Faraway" have been spiritual classics that have gone through numerous printings. Having served in the ministry for sixty plus years with forty one as president of a seminary, Rev. Tsang has hold fast to the principle, "If God raised the seminary, God will take responsibility. " As such, he has never raised fund for the organization. As an example of his 110% dedication, he has ministered faithfully to demonstrate God's faithfulness and grace. In his strength, he has always humbly given the glory to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Today, he has taught more than 500 students, all of whom spread among the five continents: the US, Canada, Europe, Africa, Australia, Latin America (including the Carribeans), Asia. Some of the students even serve in Muslim countries in the South Pacifics, thus fitting the name "Overseas Theological Seminary.


His life philosophy of teaching can be summed up in six principles:


1. To teach students to be faithful expositors of Scripture, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2. To teach students to exercise passionate evangelism.

3. To teach students to teach and preach in different ministrial contexts.

4. To teach students a strong spiritual life.

5. To teach students both theological and character development.

6. To teach students to be good shepherds in order to develop church ministries.


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