Vice President and Academic Dean
About me
Rev. Chang came from Taiwan to study in California in 1985. He received a Ph.D. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from U.C. Berkeley in 1989. After working in IBM for 13 years, he was called by the Lord to enter into a full-time ministry. He took theological training in the Overseas Theological Seminary in 2002 and received a Master of Divinity degree in 2005.
Before entering the seminary, he served in Chinese Church in Christ, San Jose as a co-worker in the Gospel group, a member of the Mission Board, and a Sunday school teacher. He often went with the church Gospel team to evangelize the Chinese students in UC Berkeley, Stanford University and UCSF. While attending the seminary, he made several mission trips during the school breaks to preach the Gospel to the Hakka people in Taiwan. After graduation from the seminary, he went to Kansas to pastor the Lawrence Chinese Evangelical Church.
Starting from January, 2006, he served in the Overseas Theological Seminary as a New Testament teacher. While teaching in OTS, Rev. Chang was also involved in the pastoral ministry in the Central Chinese Christian Church in San Jose. He placed great emphasis on building up church members with the Word of God. During this time, he joined the ministry of Campus Evangelical Fellowship in UC Berkeley.
Rev. Chang attended the Master of Theology program (Bible Exposition major) in The Master's Seminary in southern California (L.A.) in August, 2007. He returned to the Overseas Theological Seminary to serve as a Bible teacher in August, 2009. Besides teaching the Bible courses in OTS, he continues his Ph.D. program in Biblical Studies.
Rev. Chang's teaching philosophy is: "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)
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